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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 boy n (male child)SCSimplified Chinese 小男孩 xiǎo nán hái   SCSimplified Chinese 少年 xiǎo nán hái,shào nián TCTraditional Chinese 少年  There are two boys riding their bikes outside.  有两个小男孩在外面骑自行车。 boy n (male adolescent)SCSimplified Chinese 男孩 nán hái TCTraditional Chinese 男孩  I'm too busy studying for my exams to think about boys.  我忙于准备我的考试,没时间想男孩。 boy n (son)SCSimplified Chinese 儿子 ér zi TCTraditional Chinese 兒子  My boy takes after his mother.  我儿子长相随妈妈。 the boys npl informal (male friends)SCSimplified Chinese 男性朋友们   SCSimplified Chinese 哥们儿 gē men er  I'm going out for a drink with the boys.  我和哥们儿一起喝酒。 boy n as adj informal (male)SCSimplified Chinese 雄性的 xióng xìng de TCTraditional Chinese 雄性的   SCSimplified Chinese 公的 xióng xìng de ,gōng de  Is that a boy dog or a girl dog?  那只狗是公的还是母的? boy interj (surprise, exhaustion) (感叹词,表示惊讶、沮丧等)SCSimplified Chinese 好家伙!哦! hǎo jiā huo! ó!  Boy, it's hot out today!  好家伙!今天可真热!   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 boy n dated, offensive (male servant)SCSimplified Chinese 侍者 shì zhě   SCSimplified Chinese 服务员 shì zhě,fú wù yuán TCTraditional Chinese 服務員 备注: In the US and in the British colonies, "boy" was used particularly to refer to non-white servants or slaves. Bring me my slippers, boy.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 altar boy n (boy: church assistant)SCSimplified Chinese 祭坛助手 jì tán zhù shǒu TCTraditional Chinese 祭壇助手   SCSimplified Chinese 祭坛侍者  The altar boys led the procession into the cathedral, followed by the priests and finally the bishop. altar boy n figurative (boy: well-behaved) (讥讽)SCSimplified Chinese 乖孩子,乖宝宝 guāi hái zi,guāi bǎo bao baby boy n (male infant)SCSimplified Chinese 男婴 bad boy n (male child: naughty)SCSimplified Chinese 淘气的男孩 táo qì de nán hái   SCSimplified Chinese 不良少年 táo qì de nán hái,bù liáng shào nián  My little Jimmy is being such a bad boy lately, I just don't know what to do. bad boy n figurative, slang (man: rebel)SCSimplified Chinese 有魅力的坏男孩  I'm always attracted to the bad boys. ball boy n (tennis: boy who recovers ball) (网球)SCSimplified Chinese 球童 qiú tóng  The ball boys dart out from the sidelines to take stray balls off the tennis court. ball boy n (baseball: catches foul balls) (棒球)SCSimplified Chinese 球童 qiú tóng barrow boy n UK (street seller of fruit, vegetables)SCSimplified Chinese 手推车货郎   SCSimplified Chinese 街头小贩 barrow boy n UK, figurative, pejorative, slang (social climber in East London)SCSimplified Chinese 社交攀登者   SCSimplified Chinese 攀爬上流社会者 barrow boy n UK (mountain rescue: stretcher bearer) (高山救援)SCSimplified Chinese 担架员   SCSimplified Chinese 抬担架者 bellboy, bell-boy n US (young male porter at a hotel)SCSimplified Chinese (酒店里帮助客人搬行李的)年轻男服务生 (jiǔ diàn lǐ bāng zhù kè rén bān xíng lǐ de) nián qīng nán fú wù shēng  Did you remember to tip the bellboy for bringing your luggage up to your room? best boy n informal (movies: electrician's assistant) (电影拍摄)SCSimplified Chinese 灯光助理 big boy n (male child; somewhat mature)SCSimplified Chinese 大男孩 big boy n informal (impressive person or thing)SCSimplified Chinese 好家伙   SCSimplified Chinese 大家伙  This big boy is the largest fish I ever caught. Big Boy n (steam train: locomotive) (火车)SCSimplified Chinese 巨人号 big boy interj informal (form of address for a man) (对于男性的称谓)SCSimplified Chinese 伙计 huǒ jì TCTraditional Chinese 夥計 / 伙計   SCSimplified Chinese 兄弟 huǒ jì,xiōng dì TCTraditional Chinese 兄弟 birthday boy n (male child whose birthday it is)SCSimplified Chinese 生日男孩   SCSimplified Chinese 过生日的男孩  Everyone applauded when the birthday boy blew out his candles. bouncing baby boy n informal, figurative (healthy newborn male) (非正式用语,比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 健壮的婴孩 jiàn zhuàng de yīng hái  Congratulations! You've just given birth to a bouncing baby boy. boy racer n UK, informal (fast young male driver) (年轻男子)SCSimplified Chinese 飙车者 boy scout, Boy Scout n (member of boys' youth group)SCSimplified Chinese 童子军成员 tóng zǐ jūn chéng yuán  Both of my brothers were boy scouts. boy scout n US, figurative, informal (male: virtuous) (比喻,非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 单纯天真的人,正直过分理想化的人  He always had this squeaky-clean boy scout image. boytoy (US), toyboy (UK) n informal (male lover younger than partner) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 小白脸 xiǎo bái liǎn 备注: The older partner may be of either gender.boy toy, boytoy n US, dated, informal (young, sexually attractive woman) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 美少女 boy-meets-girl adj (typical love story)SCSimplified Chinese 俗套爱情的,老套爱情的 busboy, bus boy n US (restaurant employee who clears tables)SCSimplified Chinese 餐厅收拾碗碟的勤杂工 cān tīng shōu shí wǎn dié de qín zá gōng  A busboy is employed to do menial tasks in a restaurant. I mistakenly gave the tip to the bus boy instead of the waitress. cabin boy n (nautical)SCSimplified Chinese 舱室服务员   SCSimplified Chinese 船舱侍者 choirboy n (young male choral singer)SCSimplified Chinese 唱诗班的男孩 chàng shī bān de nán hái  Randy was a choirboy for seven years at his church. city boy n (young man from urban area)SCSimplified Chinese 都市男孩   SCSimplified Chinese 大都会男孩 college boy n US (male student at a college)SCSimplified Chinese 男大学在校生 nán dà xué zài xiào shēng   SCSimplified Chinese 男大学生 nán dà xué zài xiào shēng,nán dà xué shēng  Let's walk across campus and try to find a cute college boy. college boy n US (young college-educated man)SCSimplified Chinese 受过大学教育的年轻男子 shòu guò dà xué jiào yù de nián qīng nán zǐ   SCSimplified Chinese 男大学生 shòu guò dà xué jiào yù de nián qīng nán zǐ,nán dà xué shēng  The college boy thinks he'll be running the company in six months. dayboy n (young male at boarding school in day) (寄宿学校)SCSimplified Chinese 走读男生 delivery boy n (delivers newspapers)SCSimplified Chinese 送报纸的报童 sòng bào zhǐ de bào tóng delivery boy n (delivers goods)SCSimplified Chinese 投递员 tóu dì yuán TCTraditional Chinese 送貨員   SCSimplified Chinese 快递员  The pizza I ordered was brought to my house by a delivery boy.  因为快递员将披萨送到了我的家中。 errand boy n (carries messages)SCSimplified Chinese 跑差 pǎo chāi   SCSimplified Chinese 供差遣的童仆 pǎo chāi,gōng chāi qiǎn de tóng pú  Don't ask me to pass your messages: I'm not your errand boy. I had the title of Assistant to the President, but the truth is, I was just an errand boy. golden boy n figurative (male who is admired and popular)SCSimplified Chinese 金童 good boy n (well-behaved male child)SCSimplified Chinese 好孩子,乖孩子 hǎo hái zǐ,guāi hái zi  He was a very good boy. good boy interj (used to praise a male child)SCSimplified Chinese 好孩子,乖孩子 hǎo hái zǐ,guāi hái zi  Good boy! You received an "A" in mathematics. good boy interj (used to praise male dog)SCSimplified Chinese 好狗狗 good old boy, good ol' boy, good ole boy n US, informal (unsophisticated male)SCSimplified Chinese 傻小子   SCSimplified Chinese 憨小伙 good old boy, good ol' boy, good ole boy n US informal (male with strong support network)SCSimplified Chinese 绅士 shēn shì TCTraditional Chinese 紳士   SCSimplified Chinese 实诚人 little boy n (young male child)SCSimplified Chinese 小男孩 xiǎo nán hái  The little boy was playing with a toy horse. I've known you ever since you were a little boy! lover boy n informal, humorous (male lover, boyfriend)SCSimplified Chinese 男朋友,男友 nán péng yǒu,nán yǒu mother's boy, mama's boy (US), mamma's boy (US), momma's boy (US), mummy's boy (UK) n informal, pejorative (man overly attached to his mother)SCSimplified Chinese 胆小怕事的男孩子 dǎn xiǎo pà shì de nán hái zi  Tim's mother has him tied to her apron strings; he's become a mama's boy. nancy boy n pejorative, offensive, slang (effeminate man)SCSimplified Chinese 女人气的男人,娘娘腔的男子 nǚ rén qì de nán rén  Harry showed his true colours when he called Brian a nancy-boy. newspaper boy n (young male who delivers newspapers)SCSimplified Chinese 报童 bào tóng  The newspaper boy delivers the neighbors's newspapers every morning at 7 am. office boy (errand boy)SCSimplified Chinese 办公室勤务员   SCSimplified Chinese 勤杂工 qín zá gōng TCTraditional Chinese 打雜人員 Oh boy! interj US, slang (expressing excitement)SCSimplified Chinese 哦!,啊!  The child said, "Oh boy! I can't wait for summer vacation". old boy n US (adult man, especially from South)SCSimplified Chinese 老兄 lǎo xiōng TCTraditional Chinese 老兄 old boy n (lively elderly man)SCSimplified Chinese 老男孩 old boy n UK (alumnus)SCSimplified Chinese 校友 xiào yǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 老生 pageboy, page boy n (attendant at wedding: male child)SCSimplified Chinese 男花童 pageboy, page boy n US (female hair style) (女式发型)SCSimplified Chinese 童花头 TCTraditional Chinese 童花頭 备注: 齐刘海,两侧头发齐肩紧贴脸颊poor boy, poor-boy sandwich, poorboy, po'boy n US, regional (submarine sandwich) (地区用语)SCSimplified Chinese 长条三明治   SCSimplified Chinese 潜艇三明治 rent boy n UK, slang (young male sex worker)SCSimplified Chinese 男妓 nán jì   SCSimplified Chinese 出租男孩 schoolboy n (male pupil) (小学、中学的)SCSimplified Chinese 男生,小男孩 xiǎo nán hái  Although a grown man, he often giggled like a school boy. schoolboy n as adj figurative (humour, prank: childish)SCSimplified Chinese 幼稚的 yòu zhì de scout, Scout, boy scout, Boy Scout n (member of boys' youth group)SCSimplified Chinese 童子军 tóng zǐ jūn TCTraditional Chinese 童子軍  Matthew is a scout.  马修是一位童子军。 shepherd boy n (male child who herds sheep)SCSimplified Chinese 牧羊的牧童 mù yáng de mù tóng  The shepherd boy guarded his flock of sheep. small boy n (young male child)SCSimplified Chinese 小男孩 xiǎo nán hái  The small boy gazed at the toy display. sonny boy interj informal (term of address to male child) (非正式用语,对男孩的称呼)SCSimplified Chinese 可爱的男孩,小家伙 kě ài de nán hái,xiǎo jiā huo stableboy, stable-boy n ([sb] who tends horses)SCSimplified Chinese 马童 stock boy n US (employee who refills stock)SCSimplified Chinese 理货员 teenage boy, also UK: teenaged boy n (male aged between 13 and 19)SCSimplified Chinese 少年 shào nián TCTraditional Chinese 少年   SCSimplified Chinese 少男 whipping boy n (scapegoat)SCSimplified Chinese 代罪羔羊,替罪羊 dài zuì gāo yáng,tì zuì yáng wonder boy (successful young man)SCSimplified Chinese 神奇小子   SCSimplified Chinese 有非凡成就的年轻人   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: boy [bɔɪ] n [c] 1 (=male child) 男孩 nánhái [个 gè] 2 (=young man) 男青年 nán qīngnián [个 gè] the age when girls get interested in boys女孩子开(開)始对(對)男青年感兴(興)趣的年龄(齡) nǚháizi kāishǐ duì nánqīngnián gǎn xìngqù de niánlíng 3 (inf: son) 儿(兒)子 érzi 在这些条目还发现'boy': 在英文解释里: altar boy - attached - B.S.A. - ball boy - bar mitzvah - boyish - boyo - bub - bugger - catamite - chappy - child - fella - feller - fellow - footboy - foster son - gamin - guy - jailbait - jerk off - lad - laddie - little fellow - little guy - little man - man-child - office boy - pederasty - Peter Pan - plowboy - protege - scouting expedition - scoutmaster - sissy - sonny 中文: 男孩 在单词列表中: PET Vocabulary List - B, My words, 更多……同义词: lad, young man, little man, schoolboy, little guy, 更多……习惯性搭配: a [teenage, young, little, small] boy, [a member] of the old boy network, be a [good, big] boy [while I am gone, for the babysitter], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'boy' 的论坛讨论:

all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy gold boy, emerald girl He asked the boy what his name was I don't know any girl/boy in this city little boy The boy drew pictures of people who were waiting for their planes at an airport The boy roasted the fish that he caught ...but BOY, can she climb a tree now - English Only forum understand little boy say (,/:)why do you cry - English Only forum 'a beer-boy' - English Only forum 'A charismatic boy' or 'A charismatic-looking boy'? - English Only forum 'Used to do sth when a school boy' - English Only forum “old boy” networks - English Only forum (the) British boy band Take This - English Only forum (This is) because the boy provided them more work force. - English Only forum ~asked to be told any news about the boy.(?) - English Only forum 90's boy band - English Only forum a / an honest boy || Indefinite article + adjectives beginning with "h" - English Only forum a 11-year-old boy - English Only forum a 12-year-old American boy - English Only forum a bolt-on wonder boy - English Only forum a boy 10 years of age - English Only forum a boy and a girl: boyfriends? - English Only forum A boy asked me if he could drive my car, i said no and explained that he needs to wait until he is older - English Only forum a boy called Mustafa(,) lives - English Only forum A boy goes into classroom. - English Only forum A boy hurried after it, nervous. - English Only forum A boy hurried after the dog, nervous. - English Only forum a boy in the park who was - English Only forum A boy is /There is a boy> in the class - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'boy'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "boy" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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